Markers settings section to customize your map with live examples
Markers map setting
Markers’ section settings
Every map downloaded from this site has a real intuitive settings’ page within your WordPress dashboard. You get three tabs and three sections:
- Main settings
- Subdivisions
- Markers
If you need to add markers pinpoints to your map, you are in the right place!
You will learn how to add/remove markers, change markers’ colors, assign different dimensions to markers’ default icon, create a “rain effect”, import and export markers and
customize markers pinpoint icon using your own image ( premium plugin module ).
How to add markers to your map

Where to find the “Add markers” function: Navigate to to map “Markers” tab , search for “Create New Markers” and start adding markers clicking on the “Add markers” button. Remember to save or update the post in order to save the new created markers.
In order to add markers’ pinpoints to your map you just need to get latitude and longitude of the place needs to be displayed over the map. You can use many free services to retrieve latitude and longitude. You can use or Google map, just to mention few of them.
In Google map just:
- Right-click the place or area on the map.
- Select What’s here?
- At the bottom, you’ll see a card with the coordinates.
Below an example of three markers’ pinpoints over the map of California ( Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego ). As you can see hovering over the pinpoint will be displayed the name chosen in the markers’ setting page.
Purchase map of California
There is no limit in number of markers to add to your map.
If you are trying to save a big amount of markers, may happen you see they are not saved from a certain number onward. By default newer versions of PHP accept only one thousand of parameters at a time ( 1000 ).
Here an explanation on how to solve it via php.ini or htaccess file.
Newer versions of PHP implement a php.ini directive max_input_vars usually and set it to 1000. This means that posting more then one thousand ( 1000 ) form fields for instance would be truncated preventing data from being saved.
You can change this default behavior in php.ini :
max_input_vars = 2000
If you need to do this via htaccess (on a shared host for instance) you may use:
php_value max_input_vars 2000
In our example maximum numbers of variables that can be saved in a whole is two thousands. Feel free to choose the better number that suits your need.
Change markers’ background and border color

Where to find Change Markers color feature : Navigate to map “Markers” tab section and search for the “Markers Colors”. Use the buttons to change color for the markers background and borders.
Default background color: blue.
Default border color: black.
Markers’ pinpoint background color is blue by default, while the borders are black: you can choose from infinite colors using the color picker.
How to assign different dimensions to markers’ default icon

Where to find the Dimensions feature : Navigate to map “Markers” tab section and add at least one marker and fill the dimensions field with your values.
You can display markers’ pinpoint with different dimensions and show differences visually. In our case we are showing some cities of California and the markers represent their areas. In order to achieve such a result, just use the dimension fields for every marker you’ve added. We used the area expressed in square kilometers. These values will be represented by markers’ dimensions. Minimum and maximum values are calculated accordingly to a scale we’ll see soon later. By default minimum circle diameter is 4 pixels while the maximum is 12 pixel wide. Every value in between will be represented accordingly and proportionally. You can even change this scale. And the winner is… Los Angeles with 1302 square kilometers!
See how setting different dimensions will influence circle diameters of the markers comparing following map with the one above.
We have the same California map as above, but we changed markers dimensions changing the “dimension” field in every marker added.
It’s even possible to change the scale and the range of minimum and maximum value: just select different values between possible selection from the menu.

Where to find the Dimensions Scale feature : Navigate to map “Markers” tab section, search for “Markers Dimensions” and select different values from the menu in case you need to change the scale.
Default minimum value: 4.
Default maximum value: 12.
In case you just need to make all default markers’ icon bigger, then you can use a trick!
- Create markers you need ( start with a couple ) with a dimension suites your need
- Create one fake marker with incorrect long and lat ( or not in the map you are using ) and assign it a small dimension…
- Adjust markers’ dimensions suiting your needs
Markers’ rain effect

Where to find the “Rain” effect : Navigate to map “Markers” tab section, search for “Effects” and enable the checkbox for the rain effect.
Add a cool “rain” effect to your map! Enabling this setting markers will start falling down from the top of the map smoothly as soon as the map will be visible by the user.
Default background value: blue.
Export and import markers’ settings

Where to find the Export feature: Navigate to map “Markers” tab section, search for “Export Markers” and click on the button to export markers into a cvs file format or to import into your map.
In case you need to backup all markers, just go to the bottom of the Markers’ settings section and click on “Export Markers“: this will create and let you download a cvs file format with all markers.
You can then use that exported file to: create same markers on a new map in the same domain or a new one or just for backup purposes.
Once you’ve exported your markers, you can then import them into any other map ( that can have those markers ) and have your markers back in just 2 clicks!
Just click on “Select Markers file” under “Import settings” section, upload the exported markers’ file ( cvs format ) and then click on the “Import Markers settings” button. Just wait till the message will advise you the process is completed. All markers will be imported.

Where to find the Import feature: Navigate to map “Markers” tab section, search for “Import Markers” and use the “Import Markers” button once you’ve selected the proper markers’ csv file.
When importing a Markers settings file, remember to update the page in order to save the new settings. In case you do not want anymore the new settings, just use the grey button on the right saying: “Restore old values“.

In case something went wrong or you do not need anymore those markers, just use the grey button on the right saying “Restore old values”.
Use a custom image to replace the default circle pinpoint
It’s possible to change the default markers’ icon with your own image. This is a premium service. Please purchase the module at Custom Marker Plugin Icon page.

Once purchased and installed the “Custom Marker Icon Plugin”, just navigate to your map markers’ tab and Click on “Select Your Marker Icon” button to upload your image for the markers’ pinpoints
Below the result on map of California
Notice: dimensions will have no effect on custom image.